Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I pay the cable people $39.995/mo. for this?

If it were not for the emails I get every day from:
Richard H.
Bill D.
Ron B.

I would not get any emails worth reading at all.

Everything else I get (about 45 a day?) is either from a Democrat or an environmental group, asking me for money.

As John Prine used to sing:
“All my friends/turned out/to be/insurance salesmen.”

Life goes on in Texas

Monday, September 15, 2008

What a lovely day

When I wrote this, it was late morning. By the time I got around to posting, it was after the closing bell and Wall Street ad closed over 500 points down.

Lehman Bros. is sinking, Merrill-Lynch is being bought by a monster bank and sweetheart money manager AIG has just said that it needs $40. BILLION in emergency funds to keep going. The Dow slid 300 points within 15 minutes of the opening bell, and John MCain has just told a crowd in Florida that our enconomy is "fundamentally strong".

This man is smoking exactly WHAT, for breakfast?