Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Man Who Isn't Here

There may well be some terrible and urgent truth to the saying, “The more things change, the more they stay the same”. The word ‘change” stings harshly this morning. The President is not here: he is in France, or Cairo or Buchenwald or Canton or Green Bay. Or on a date night. In reality he has been thrown into a toy store. Like W was, he has so many toys to play with, that he appears overwhelmed. He plays with each economic or military toy just enough to leave is fingerprints on them but not enough to learn to use any effectively enough to bring about change. I had hoped for better. I was just thinking a few days ago, the President keeps talking about “my” Secretary of State, “my “ Secretary of Defense and “my” financial advisors. Funny: I thought they were “our” government officials and employees. I don’t much care to see Obama’s birth certificate, but I would like to see the bill of sale that shows that we sold him the whole country. His ego (like W’s) suddenly runneth over, he has appears to have forgotten he got hired for this job (not annointed) and works for us. He did not buy the United States like he bought General Motors. I hope he does not sell us to the Italians. Emanuel does not only appear undisciplined, but seems like the reincarnation of Karl Rove, the junkyard dog. He is unpredictably brash and his behavior betrays bias, brusqueness and angry aggression. He is as reassuring and comforting as falling into a prickly pear. As a right hand man for change, he belies a left-handed skullduggery-business-as- usual. He is a brutal reaffirmation of the politics-as-usual status quo. He is very much here, the President is not. This is just one essay that describes why the POTUS is all “all hat and no cattle”. His speeches, though eloquent and carefully crafted, lack substance and follow-though. We just spent eight years receiving the same disinformation from W, except it came in the form of sentence fragments and poor grammar. “Walking the walk” is very hard to do when you are not even in the room.
I know this is more material than you want to read (or attempt to) in one sitting. But the sum and substance is roughly this: Show business, glitz, glamour and razzle-dazzle are alive and well with this Presidency, as in the last. The promised change, transparency and grit are totally absent, glossed over and hidden by flowery speeches and dog and pony shows. The President goes today to Green Bay, WI, to talk up health care reform. Why? To what end? This will help this cause as much as his trip to Elkhart, IN helped to re-vitalize the RV industry. Someone should remind him that he promised to actually listen to the citizenry and not stage-manage a diversionary tactic that tries to hide the nasty ambitions of big health and big pharma. He is not here. He is out to lunch while the legislators have lunch with the AMA, Eli Lilly and Pfizer.

The real problem is lousy democrats. Well, doh. The president exerts none of the sway of his office over his own party members, who are still wedded to big industry and finance. Did he learn nothing from Ronald Reagan? He welcomes the traitor-like likes of Arlen Specter, does nothing to limit the incoherencies of Nancy and Harry and Louise and offers no resistance to the Blue Dogs, who are more cur dogs than blue. And he should pull Lieberman and Graham into the Oval Office and read them the disciplinary riot act that is so long over-due. We are screwed…if the democrats don’t shape up. Same story, new page. The President fails repeatedly to listen to wise observers like Grieder and Richard Wolff and Krugman, who might make a difference and enable real change, and instead surrounds himself with old-line defenders of the “way things used to be”, like Biden, Geithner, and Jaba the Summers and uses Hillary Clinton as a lightning rod and innocuous pacifier.

Private armies and mercenaries: The wars and rumors of wars rage on and continue international carnage and promote ill-will, no matter what vagaries the President spouts from a pulpit in Cairo. At the current rate of the loss of hope and procrastination of change, Guantanamo will still be open for business in two years, new black-ops detention/torture centers will be open in other locales and we will soon own a second billion dollar embassy/fortress/stronghold in Afghanistan. Think what you will about the Taliban, Pakistan and nuclear weapons proliferation.

The youngish rising star of Midwestern politics strode onto the scene and emailed and twittered and sweet-talked his way into the hearts and minds of the younger voting populace. Then, through his promises and spell-binding “speechifyin’” ( stunning in contrast to his predecessor I see now in retrospect), he made the boomers stand at the window in the maternity ward and gloat over the newborn in the crib, up front and center. He was there for that.
The economic slide is still sliding, the foreclosures are closing in on human habitation, and, in a fashion no less blatant in its use of distractions, fanfare and hoopla than that of the previous administration, there is no evidence of new thinking and new solutions to new problems which have outgrown and overwhelmed the old approaches. As this possible” new way forward” is ignored, any real opportunity for that once super-hyped hope and change will rapidly fade. Where is that guy?

Obama is the man who is not here. I know that many people hate to hear me say this, but I have to agree with Mr. Greider: if Mr. Obama does not get on the stick, if he does not start singing from the songbook he sang from to get elected, and dancing with the girls who brung him, we are screwed.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Nobody Likes The Truth

Many people do not like Mr. Hedges, because of his stance on religion, but when he tells the truth and explains ugliness and indefensible cruelty for what it is, you must give him some space. I concur with this, almost without reservation.
There is no excuse for torture and even less for continued wars that decimate civilian populations with robot bombs (check the cartoon by Mr. Fish…how appropriate). One commenter cautions that the President moves “slowly and thought fully”. I think not. He hardly moves at all and is, as we say in Texas, “All hat and no cattle”. Eloquent speeches save no lives and he does not move slowly: in fact he does not move at all. He ensures that the status will remain very, very quo. He continues to offer the hot air-euphoria of hope while short-changing reality.
Our foreign and humanitarian policies are duplicitous, xenophobic, prejudiced and myopic. Speaking out of both sides of our mouth, in Bush-like protected environments of suppression and repression, will become a venomous snake that will come around to bite us on the backside. Anti-American sentiment will continue to grow and tensions will rise to a boiling point, at which time the tide will turn against and overrun our smug arrogance and feigned innocence, the ugliness will turn against us and everyone will be scratching their heads (and their asses), and be asking, “Hey what happened?” Well, what happened was that we abandoned liberty and freedom and justice for all. And we called it democracy.

Monday, June 8, 2009

A Metaphor?

Air France flight 447 is a metapohor for the U.S. economy. It has crashed in a huge sea of debt and we have sent out an armada of financial rescue vehicles. Sadly, Capt. Geithner and First Officer Summers are in charge, and all they have managed to do is find dead bodies and the wreckage of the old ship of state. And they have blamed the crash on the Greenspan/Paulson air speed sensors. You might draw parallels between the number of bodies recovered (16?), the total number still missing and the job loss rates. Dog paddling lessons are recommended