Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Who Turned Out The Lights?


I am so interminably grateful that we have Ms. silicone-implant,opposite sex marriage, semi-nude photograph California and an extended Donald Trump press conference to keep us away from the silly news stories about wars, torture, the Green Zone, single-payer health care, hold-ups to Presidential appointments, the Taliban, rape in the military, withheld money for Katrina victims, Texas charging women for rape kits, inflammatory "insights" from Sen. Sessions and infant mortality rates in Alabama. It leaves almost no time to consider the merits of Sen. Vitter running for re-election on family values, Newt Gingrich re-emerging as a tyranosaurus "ex" and Michael Steele as missing the whole point that he is a token black man for the RNC. Little things like that.

MSNBC spent at least 90 minutes on little miss tempest in a c-cup this morning, while no one is following the hideous immorality of US soldiers shoving Bibles at Afghanis so that they can "murder for Jesus."

Who shifted our priorities and shut off our moral compass?