Saturday, April 5, 2008

Why I'm not happy

I was right, yesterday: today's paper had the headline, "80,000 jobs lost". And that is just the report from March. That's alot, even for America. I feel less bad today than I did, yesterday.

Then: "Clintons make 109 million in eight years"...from talking. And most of it came from companies who have largely funded H's campaign. And she wants me to trust her with my money, my integrity and the future of my country? Fat chance, snowball in hell, and all that.

Or: "Bush pledges more troops for Afghanistan to NATO". Next year. Who in the hell is he speaking for? Not me?

How about: "Pentagon renews Blackwater contract for another five years.". Oh joy. That means McCain will only have to renew it for another 95 when he takes office. The fox not only guards the henhouse, he built it, patrols it, charges too much rent and sells dead chickens out the back door. Being under an FBI investigation doesn't seem to stop the military brass from giving them big bucks. My (your) tax dollars at work.

Ah, yes: "Both Hillary and Obama are lying about what they will do about forces in Iraq, after elected", or something like that. Seems like we're gonna stay there, no matter what. Calling the Bagdahd embassy the "Green Zone", by the way, is just another way of referring to the obscene amounts of money we have and will continue to pour into it. Excuse me....why?

And then there are the blog discussions of the silence of Rumsfeld,, about the new revelations concerning the DOJ memos and waterboarding. But we don't do that anymore, or so I've heard.

I'd go to Tibet and meditate, but I'd probably get shot or beaten bloody with an Olympic Baton. Which was probably made in China, I suppose.

But it's OK. I just ANOTHER email, asking for donations, from a ANOTHER group in Oregon that wants to pursue impeachment against The Shrub, The Dick and I don't know how many others. Another noble cause that will flounder and fail because nobody really cares. How much did you pay for gas, today?

It's such a nice day. I should be outside instead of reading all this crap.

Life goes on in Texas.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Some good, some bad

Sorry I have missed a day or so. Jen (SloRider) has already chastised me for being behind with the postings. And if you read her comments, I mis-labled her on several counts. I stand corrected for that and for talking about Gina as a "customer". She started out that way (and still is) but is also an important person in many other ways. Apologies there, as well. Gina reminded me, very aptly, that this blog would reach out to many more people, perhaps, than I usually chat with, and accuracy in depicting others was very important. "Y'all" just keep calling me to task. I'll get it right, sooner or later.

First off is that you should make a trip to and read "The Very Best Thing About Barack." Enlightening, positive, uplifting and hopeful. Even Mark Morford can make the sun shine, sometimes. He's even crankier than I am but I suppose that's why I read his stuff all the time. Highly recommended. Mark is usually pissed off enough about things for most of us, all at one time.

I mentioned in an earlier blog that I might have a job. Well, that didn't work out. When I never made it past the interview with the staffing agency, I got really (momentarily) angry. But then something strange happened. Suddenly, from every corner (The NYT, Google, NPR, the local paper) I got overwhelmed by stories about job losses, cutbacks and the exportation of jobs overseas. When I searched the news archive of the NYT for jobs, the first ten articles were about recent job losses. If you ask Google, the list of jobs lost or in the works to be lost goes on for pages. Our local computer manufacturing giant, Dell, has just announced it will cut something like 8,000 jobs in the next few months (they are busy flying back and forth to China). So, while I was busy being miffed that I'd been rejected for a simple job, thousands and thousands of other people are being laid off daily, and probably just as many are getting rejection notices as I did. I'm not special and I'm sure as hell not alone. Of course the other side of that coin is that all the execs and CEO's and board members are still getting bonuses and perks. The oil companies just reported more in quarterly profits than God has in his savings account, the boys at Dell get to keep their $4M private jet and nobody on Wall Street seems to be going hungry. What a mess. What a shame. What a disgrace.

Out of the blue, I heard yesterday from my dear old friend, Tom Wilson. It's been more than a decade since we talked. He's still working hard on residential energy conservation, I'm still haranguing about it. In this case, it's very good to have the past catch up with you. Thanks, Tom. Nice house you bought. Wait???YOU bought a house? Wow.

Tom and Mark Morford would like each other. I like both of them.

Life goes on in Texas.

As it turns out, I didn't make the cut because someone forgot to list being bi-lingual, English/Spanish, as a requirement, on the job posting. I got to thinking and wondering about how many others didn't get hired for more heinous reasons: they were the wrong sex, color, nationality or age. I suppose I got off easy. So I'm not so angry anymore.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

I thought I was done

But I guess not, and this isn't April Fool's Day stuff. Just go to:

and you will find some awfully good writing by Eugene Robinson (of course), but, more importantly, read the comments that follow. They are all correct, in their own way, with their take on what Robinson said, and all different. I'm in there, too, naturally. Can't keep my mouth shut. Have fun. So much for black and white, today.

We're getting there

I'v either gotten emails or phone calls from some of you, griping at me about how difficult it can be to get this software to cooperate. Sadly, I have to agree. But some of you have hung in there and we are making progress. I havea few gripes of my own with Blogspot (Google) and will let them know.

Eventually you will all get to know one another, perhaps. Lisa Walsh Thomas is my great friend and very talented writer/ politico/ linguist friend in Round Rock, TX. We don't talk enough. She writes some of the best damn poetry I've ever read. Gina is a customer/friend/confidant and talented pediatric nurse in Bastrop, TX. She works weird hours and still manages to keep a smile on her face. She has recently had the good sense to leave a marriage that was not exactly what was best for her and has become wonderfully "unsettled" in a new house and the world of political commentary. Thoughtful, considerate, insightful and entirely too much energy. "Slorider" is Jen (Jennifer), in Napa, CA. Long-time pen pal, email pal of my son Nick, bicyclist, gardener, weaver, knitter, amatuer psychologist and musician (plays the hell out of the mandolin). She has been an inestimable source of moral support for me in the last two years. And she hates politics but puts up with me, anyway.

Thanks to all for joining in. I've invited about a zillion other folks, but I suppose they may be having trouble tying in, as well. I've been busy adding my two cents to countless articles, op-eds and commentaries about the Shrub, the war (the GD'D WAR!) and lots of other issues. I read a very disheartening article just yesterday about the collapse of women's rights in Afghanistan and Iraq, since we have plundered and pounded those lands into chaos and allowed all manner of sectarian influences to take away what few rights women had there, beforehand. Really pissed me off. The world is just a big, barbaric mess, right now. Too many disenfranchised, too many absurd deaths, too many hungry children and too many power hungry male,chauvinist idiots calling the shots. (Please sign whatever pettitions that come your way to impeach Bush and Cheney. My common sense says it will nevr happne, but it will make you feel better. Kind of like being able to outwardly Boo Bush at the ball game. About damn time!)

For those of you who know some of the history, I'm moving along well, well into the second year of being sober and going to AA functions. Life seems pretty good, despite what I rant and rave and rail about in print, Barbara is keeping my head screwed on straight, and I may have a job. I've applied for a part-time position with the United Way office, here, answering the phone and hooking up low income folks with the agencies that can offer whatever assistance might be appropriate. Won't know for a few days. At least it will get me off the streets. I'm really tired of selling drugs....HA!

The morning news is full of stuff I wish I could blame on April Fool's Day, but unfortunately the damn stuff is all true. We are at a huge turning point in our culture and society right now. But greed, whether it's for money(Wall ST.) or personal power (Hillary), or both, seems to be driving everything. I know you don't all agree, but I think Hillary is just more trouble, waiting to happen, and we could, as totally unfathomable as it sounds, wind up electing McCain. Oh, crap! I keep trying to maintain an open mind, and reading everything I can get my hands on, but it just seems to get worse and worse, every morning.

I hope you all got to see Olbermann's 5 year anniversary show. There were no scared cows and the guilty sheep were all slaughtered. Keep writing and stay left of the center line. Life goes on in Texas.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

First time out

After about 97 assorted people who have seen my web postings, commentaries and observations (and one in particular) asked me repeatedly why I didn't have a blog, I gave in. Here I am, here it is, let's see what happens when we open the door, let's see who bites, who drops by and who can offer up some insights that will help make a crazy world seem a little more sane.

Tonight (March 30) is the fifth anniversary of Keith Olbermann's "Countdown", on MSNBC-TV. You should be watching that instead of reading this. You don't get many opportunities for bald-faced, blatant honesty on TV anymore: don't miss this one. And every night at 7 PM, central. The crank up your video or DV recorder and keep pace with Jon Stewart ad the "Daily Show". If you are still with me after those recommendations, you belong with this blog. If not, thanks for dropping by.

I am deluged of late by stories and articles from every publishing source imagineable, all of it poltical in nature, of course. And my email is swamped by requests for signatures on petitions, pleadings for donations and assorted, misguided souls who actually believe what the government tells us and expects miscreants like myself (and perhaps you) to fall in line. So I don't want to begin this blog on any particular topic, but rather to open up the floodgates and find out what has you aggravated, concerned, nauseated or driven to some level of personal of disgust. Something may also have you overjoyed, and that would be welcome, as well.

I think everyone is fearful of the future, both the immediate and the long term. Who will be our next commander in chief is a bigger unknown that it has ever been in our history. Why and how that person gets elected to that job is a huge collection of unknowns.

Join in here. There is plenty to talk about and plenty of time to talk about it in. More to come. Life goes on in Texas.