Tuesday, April 29, 2008

This is all fun

Barack denounced pastor,pastor denounces denouncing, puts on show for NAACP and Press Club. McCain denounces pastor's comments after saying he won't; Hill wants a showdown at the OK corral without sheriff, but Obama comes unarmed. And Dubya stands on the South Lawn and while doing nothing and accuses the Congress of doing nothing. Which is true but I don't need that windbag to tell me that. And your lapel pin won't get you into heaven anymore, either. What a wasted day.

Life goes on (barely) in Texas.


SlowRider said...

The day is never a waste if you can cook something lovely in the kitchen and write or call someone you care about to talk about the more important things in life. There are about a million proactive and positive things you can put all of your punch into, Ivan, that uplift others instead of bring 'em down. I know this is your blog, and you can say anything you want to... but I'm just sayin'. I'm your Personal Antagonizer maybe, but you need one. ;-)

SlowRider said...

I've heard rumor that you may dump your blog. Please don't! There are so many things not yet discussed, it would be a tragic loss, a disappointment for all.

Personally, I'd like to hear more about the sawdust part....