Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Happy Veterans Day

Let’s just start with this news item (it‘s non-partisan), and then we can move on:

Raped in the military? You’ll have to pay for your own forensic exam”. www.alternet.org/waronairag/106307/. If this horror story doesn’t make you wonder where all of our collective brains and compassion have gone, nothing will. If you are still with me after this, then please read on to what I woke up thinking about in the middle of the night:

I had (once again) mistakenly assumed that since the elections were over, some aspects of American life would return to normal and some primarily political topics would fall by the wayside or be sidelined. Other than the obvious fact that the innumerable and daily requests for more and more money for Democrats have stopped filling my email box every day, not much has changed. There is ongoing discussion of Red State vs. Blue State, and now the introduction and discussion of the “purple” state. New in the past many months, and as vocal and demanding as ever, are the “progressives”, and there is newly energized talk about the survival of the neo-cons and the re-structuring of the Republican Party. Lots of the old dogs from before the elections are still nipping at our heels and barking, and the round of warnings and admonitions to President-elect Obama about who and whom NOT to forget or overlook gets louder every day. Even many Republicans and red-staters, who just days ago were calling Barack a terrorist, a Muslim Christian hater and unpatriotic, are heaping praises and recommendations upon him. I think they are all just looking for work.

By now, we all know where the red states are, who lives there and how they voted. These (mostly southern)states (and Wyoming?)and their residents are the ones who put up the boldest fight to elect the McCain /Palin camp and got run over like a stray dog trying to cross the San Diego freeway. Or perhaps more appropriately, while trying maybe to cross the Dan Ryan Expressway, in south Chicago? Representing them at the highest level (and still very vocal) were the main stream Republicans, their affiliate and constituent neo-cons and bankers and business leaders from the US military industrial complex we have all come to call “home”. One conservative friend of mine asked me, just this morning, to stop picking on the Republicans, saying they had suffered enough and needed time to lick their wounds. For a time, I almost considered that reprieve, but after re-thinking, I suppose some tongue-lashing is still in order. But I have a few choice words for everyone else, as well.

The Republicans have continually held up a collection of values and symbols that are exactly the opposite of what America needs right now. We need relief for the middle class, they want to lower taxes on the rich. We want to elevate common values and decent standards of living for the many, they want to raise executive pay. We now know that trickle down doesn’t trickle down, so stop the crap and get real.

Outwardly, you can begin seeing this attitude in Sarah Palin, in her flamboyant and inflammatory remarks on the campaign trail and her “wardrobe” escapades. (www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21134540/vp/27657223#27657223) She is an outright insult to the intelligence of the American people. Her very persona of ignorance and arrogance embodied that backward stance. Then there was the Straight Talk Express (which never was), being repeatedly told we were “My Friends” (which we were not), and the fear tactics (Muslims, terrorism, racism) used just prior to the election, which were intended to, among other things, disguise and cover over the true nature of the economic collapse and what it might mean to Americans (did you ever have trouble getting cash from your ATM? I didn’t). By all published accounts, the Bush administration, the treasury Department’ the FDIC, et.al. could have stopped the foreclosure disaster almost before it began, and they all did nothing until Wall Street went up in flames. When Henry Paulson’s’ buddies began to fry, he began to cry and the right wing wasted no time, energy or media coverage to get $700+B out for rescue purposes, ASAP. We had to save the banks the brokers and their yachts and summer homes, but the middle class could “go fish”. The MSM (the Mostly Silly Media) sang all the right songs, trumpeted the clarion call and the Congress caved in like a pile of popsicle sticks in a windstorm. The mere fact that Paulson had the unmitigated gall to offer up a bail-out (rescue)scenario that was only two pages long, should tell us all something about the contempt that this administration has for the general public.

There is nothing “new” about the neo-cons I mentioned, except perhaps their clothes ( Hi, Sarah…someone asked if in fact a private donor paid for those "duds", and if it was in fact more than the $2300.00 limit on political contributions allowed by law, then was the donation to the RNC illegal? Oops), and their new hairdos (see Ms. Pfotenauer; boy will I be glad not to see or hear her again: she was and is the epitome of inauthenticity. I thought she would never go away. This is not to forget, however, John Edward’s $200.00 haircuts. And both Sarah and John have a new baby. How cute). And then there is both the clothing AND the hair when it comes to Candy McCain (where’s my free beer?), and McCain’s expensive shoes and all of the makeup artists. McCain himself was held up as righteous man of deep convictions, who then took borderline stances on most anything moral throughout the campaign, lied about suspending his unsuspended campaign, stiffed David Letterman with a rouse and has been variously described as a rambunctious, temper-tantrum throwing, plane-crashing, cynical bigot who used to whore around and treats his wife and family badly, in all of his seven homes… when most Americans were having trouble staying in just one. But no, I am not forgetting the electric bill at Al Gore’s mansion or the bill for jet fuel to carry Obama and Biden to undisclosed locations (to meet with Dick Cheney?). Both campaigns have left behind one helluva carbon footprint.

The Dems are faring better in some of these areas: aside from the nauseating fact that the men have almost all pioneered the now nearly exclusive use of “periwinkle” colored ties (Rachel Maddow coined that one; they look stupid), their clothing has been much more subdued and the hair styles much less flamboyant. In fact, until the acceptance speech night, Barack’s suits looked almost shabby and too dark to inspire hope and change. But his newest spokesperson, Stephanie Cutter, has a no-nonsense hairdo that speaks volumes about simplicity and elegance. And when Tom Brokaw took her on, she used only simple, two-dollar words and BS’d about nothing. I hope Pfotenauer and Fiorina were listening.

But Dems are gloating and shedding entirely too many crocodile tears of joy. Democrats seem to have made a profession out of bad-mouthing themselves and their accomplishments and personifying misery and self-inflicted bad luck. ”Poor me. I’m so miserable. I am a Democrat.” I am much more impressed with the Rev. Wright’s expressions of indignity than I am with photos of Jesse Jackson crying in Grant Park. If anyone should be yelling God Damn”, it ought to be Jesse: “God damn, man, It’s about freakin’ time!” And now, every left-handed pundit, Democratic “advisor” and commentator cannot wait to advise Barack Obama on “what he ought to do” to fulfill his promises and obligations to the grateful and sobbing Democratic electorate. There may be more blue states now, and more blue pockets in red environs, but many dems still lack the backbone to stand up and take charge instead of whimpering. You have the bandstand now, boys, let’s make some music!

But the group of Democratic cousins that perplex me the most are the “progressives”. They claim they are aggressive Democrats, and if you want to know how they think, how they talk and what they believe in and hope for, just go read OpEdNews.com. They may be “progressive”, but they are Libertarian wannabes, nihilistic, pessimistic and unknowing pseudo Nietzsche devotees. They believe, as do many of their red counterparts, that they are more correct than you are, and advocate measures that will “hurt you more than it hurts me”, but that’s OK because “I know better”. They are America’s new cynics: they “understand the cost of everything and the value of nothing” (Oscar Wilde?)They have an identity crisis and maybe have a thing about their mothers. I think they are the group that turns red and blue states purple (the color of rage?) because they flat out make everybody mad, as we say here in Texas. Their strength lies in their ability to thoroughly cloud an issue with effusive rhetoric, all of which attempts to persuade you that their position is the only real alternative. Their side on an issue is usually just as incendiary as that of a white, racist fundamentalist preacher in Appalachia, but no one wants to condemn them, because they are “men sent from God”. The difference is that progressives just think they are. If you think religious proselytizers are tough, try arguing with a progressive.

Now, having said all of that, as the song lyrics go, “Here are a few of my favorite things”…at least for today:

AIG: On top of the first mammoth bail-out package they received, and on top of the scandal that erupted right afterwards, about their big executive party that cost almost a million dollars, and on top of an additional $40B the Fed gave them a day or two ago, MSNCBC-TV reported this morning that AIG threw another executive party at a resort hotel in AZ, ordering the hotel not to display any signage or evidence that AIG and its staff were even there. Your tax dollars at work. Another close friend has suggested it is time to have some of these execs walk the plank. I cannot disagree. I just want the waters infested with sharks when they jump. Note: This story never made it to the msbnmc.com web site and was mysteriously pulled from msnbc-tv by mid-morning. However, Keith Olberman brought it back to life on "Countdown" that same evening. Olberman suggested that the additional $40B went to pay for the hors d'oerves for this party. Somebody get the plank.

The Fed will not disclose the recipients of $2T in bailout funds. Read it yourself: www.alternet.org/blogs/peek/106443. Yes, the “T” stands for “trillion”. That’s YOUR trillion, by the way.

The Big Three (or at least two of them) are anxiously awaiting $25-30B in bailout finds to save them from oblivion. In the first place, the US auto industry has had a century to learn how to become a successful and profitable venture. They have failed repeatedly and chosen short-term gains and quick profits from the sale of sub-standard (by modern world comparisions) automotive products. Rescuing this ship may be throwing good money after bad. There are several other corporations (at least 12, I read today) that employ just as many people as GM and they are not asking for handouts (It will be truly ironic if the one corporation that emerges unscathed is Wal-Mart, China’s single largest trading partner)... Let Toyota buy GM, it will not sink entirely then and Toyota knows how to do this stuff and do it right. There are fear tactics at work here, as well, and if we fall for it all, we will get what we deserve and waste another trillion dollars. The UAW should change its name to “Unless we All Work” and stop living off of profits from Chevrolets that break down on the way to work.

China just anounced a national bail-out plan, working from the bottom up, building bridges, roads, dams and other infrastucture and creating jobs and cash flow (msnbc.com). If the Chinese are so smart, what is our problem? (Sorry, I forgot: part of the problem is that the Chinese have most of our money.) Late note:It was suggested in a comment on OpEdNews today that someone ask the Chinese delegates coming to the upcoming world economic summit just how they figured out how to do this. The Bush administration is rejecting the idea.

Bush and Obama discussed bailing out the Big Three yesterday. But Bush wants to tie the action to a NAFTA-style trade agreement with Columbia. Jeezuss, Mary and Josephus, can’t we just do one damn thing at a time? Does everything that even hints of something positive have to be some sort of covoluted, self-aggrandizing nightmare? And what kind of position of strength does Bush think he is negotiating from? He is crazier, more stupid and more oblivious to real life than I thought he was. But Dana Perino says there is “no quid pro quo"? Please send her away. Let her hook up with Pfotenauer.

MSNBC.com: “Banks being urged to step up lending, curb exec pay”. I guess I forgot that we gave 24 banks $124B so they could sit on it, collect interest and make sure their honchos managed to pay their mortgages. Silly me. This is a holiday: are you happier, yet?

Fannie and Freddie have announced that they will begin efforts to halt foreclosures.(MSNBS.COM) Excuse me, but this is Nov 10. Where the hell have you guys been? Partying with AIG?

Sparring starts as Repubs ponder future”. msnbc.msn.com/id/27654019/. I think they should have started thinking about that well before the election, and one story floating around is that Newt Gingrich will play the role of Lazarus in this new movie, rising from the dead of the New England winter and then on to save the party. I think I mentioned inappropriate symbols up above, somewhere?

OpEdNews.com is today publishing a poll, asking people about discussions they may have had or overheard about any possible attempted assassination of Barack Obama. This is the group/web site that proclaims itself as the progressive voice of America? They should just advertise for henchmen and provide the weapons. They could write speeches for Palin. Note: as of late afternoon on the day I posted this, enough people (including myself) had called in to protest this disgusting stunt, that the article disppeared from the web site.

Despite the level-headed commentaries and observations on the economy by the likes of Robert Reich, Paul Krugman, Noam Chomsky and others, the bloody neo-cons, The Fed, Henry “Hank” Paulson, AIG and a few greed oriented Democrats (they want to welcome Lieberman back into the fold? Are they kidding?) are still, even after an election that promised hope, change and salvation for the middle class, not only want to rape America, but force it have the baby (probably sextuplets)and do it with no pre-natal care, no post-natal care nor health care coverage for the mother or the babies.

As I write this, at around 3:00 EST, the DOW is down about 175, after closing yesterday down a bit less than 100. The headline says this is because of consumer spending worries and anxiety about the pending bail-out of Detroit. Understandable: consumers have
nothing to spend and Detroit is bankrupt of vision, ideas, strategies and cash. And George W. Bush just said, on the deck of an aging aircraft carrier, in the waters off the isle of Manhattan, that “Veterans inspired me”. Well, whoop-tee-do for you (and Cheney), who never served a day.

You are leaving soon, right George? Don’t let the door hit you in the ass, on the way out.

And Happy Veterans Day.

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