Tuesday, August 26, 2008

It's Convention Time!

You may have already seen this insert, but I'm posting it anyway. Down underneath are today's add ons.

In addition, the news,just this morning, says McSilliness embarrassed himself yet one more time last night. This time on Leno. I suppose he will have to begin actually drooling in public before anyone catches on that he has escaped from a nursing home. Here goes from yesterday:

In an age of McDonalds and McMuffins, the question is whether or not McCain is McAble. I find it all McDoubtful, but while I'm Biden my time, consider these:

McCain cannot McMember how many McMansions he has;

McCain's being shot down and captured in a war several decades ago does not automatically McQualify him to be the Commander in Chief of anything larger and more complicated than a shoebox, the cell he was held in or the horse he rode in on;

McCain volunteered his McWife to be in a beauty pageant for biker babes, and to show how bright SHE is, she actually smiled at the idea. McDumb. And she doesn't even care that she got him second hand. Maybe she has had too many McBeers. But I don't think either one of them is Budweiser enough to lead the country.

McCain partied his way through the Naval Academy and finished near the bottom because he thought he had enlisted in McHale's Navy and piloting an airplane was like playing a video game. Maybe thought dropping naplam was just another way of making McFries.

McCain thinks the US economy if on sound footings. That is McScience McFiction. The US economy is being held up by McChinese Checkers.

McCain thinks (?) that off-shore drilling will save us from something. He doesn't know WHAT exactly, but something. And he went and stood on a McPlatform to McProve it. McNonsense.

McCain keeps calling everyone "My Friends". McNonsense: he doesn't have any friends and I resent being McCalled one. . He is McWhistling in the McCemetary.

What we really need is a real "Big Mac", a real McCoy, not a McPhoney. Someone who can think, enunciate, manage and lead. What we don't need is a McRonald McReagan McAltzheimer who is trying to sell us a Whopper.

I can't wait to see who he picks for McVeep: McStooges? End here; pause for fresh coffeee.....

Add ons:

While I clearly believe that electing McCain is just McStupid, here are some other examples of stupid (and few that save the day):

While cruising through Craig's List, looking for jobs, opportunities and conversation, I found this posting from a 34 year old woman, in "Strictly Platonic": Pin pals wanted. I started to think about the implications and just moved on.

PM Maliki (Iraq...remember that place, where thousands and millions have died?) has confirmed that there is a "firm schedule" for the removal of US troops from that country. Condi Rice and the WH continue to insist that it is only an "aspirational timetable". The administration continues to use empty, meaningless words and phrases and continues to expect us to believe them and what they say. The inmates have indeed taken over the asylum. Please hold an election, SOON?

The Olympics have closed. Yawn. China won the most gold. Yawn. Or Yaw-ning: it sounds more Chinese. And a good trick for under-age drinkers. The spectacle was spectacular but after the revelations about digital fixing, how much of it could you believe was real? Lots of Memorex used in this affair. But thank you Mr. Phelps. Your next assignment, should you choose to accept it......I think fixing China is a Mission Impossible. The same thing could be said about fixing the Congress of the US. To do it, first you have to bring everyone back in from the Lobby. With any luck, the intermission of reality will be over, soon.

I watched four speeches last night. Well, at least three of them were speeches. Here's the review:

Pelosi: Morose-ee. Stiff, poorly prepared, stale, dull, robotic. The Speaker of the House needs to be sent to Bose Electronics for refurbishment. Her woofer is rattling and her tweeters are dead. How the hell?????? Oh, her cable is disconnected.

Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg: Spoke like a Kennedy. I don't need to say anything else.

Big Ted (The Senator) Kennedy: Brilliant, inspiring, spoke like a Kennedy and very brave, as sick as he is obviously is. I wish I could stand that tall.

Michelle Obama: Now would everyone else please be quiet? Even Keith Olbermann at MSNBC had nothing to say, afterwards. And the kids are cute. But please, Barack, remember which city you are in?

The Hill (The mole hill?) and the Big Bill have yet to speak, while the Denver cops pepper spray onlookers and legal protestors and some half-drunk, druggie Colorado cowboys get arrested for talking out loud about shooting Obama, driving badly and owning guns (I know people in TX who do that, every day). Somebody broke into Cindy Sheehan's hotel room in Denver to bug her phone, and both Cindy McCain and Darth Vader Cheney are going to Georgia (No, not that one, the one underneath Russian on the big map) during the Dems big party in the Mile High City. Cindy is going to "assess civilian casualties" (like she is really qualified to do that) and Dick is going...well, to be Dick, or a Dick, depending upon your perspective. He will be largely invisible during the first part of the Republican party in St. Paul. Why no one though to just leave him in Georgia is beyond me. Another fabulous lost opportunity. For most of the world, Georgia is an undisclosed location.

Life goes on in Texas.

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