Friday, November 14, 2008

How things look today

I regularly have some fun, these days, doing work for the SW Chapter of the Recording for the Blind and Dyslexic. They have an office and studio here in Austin. Last week, they held a recognition dinner for their volunteers and about 160 people attended. I learned later that that was only about half of us! Lots of volunteers and lots of donated hours. Organizations like this one, where there is so much valuable “product”, as opposed to those groups who spend most of the publicly raised and donated funds supporting a top heavy administration, should get more attention and recognition. If you have one like it you can get to and help out, do it: you will feel better later.

I am discouraged about CA and Prop 8. That seems a step rearward (but then there is CT?). There is much talk about the role of blacks and Hispanics in that vote, and especially the role of churches and religion. Churches and their religious “leaders”, and I think especially in minority settings, hold entirely too much sway over how people think and act when it comes to socio-political decisions. Go see Bill Maher’s film, “Religulous”, then decide for yourself. We have our priorities all screwed up. Have you gone to the local park and visited your Ten Commandments monument, lately? You can still do that In Utah, at least this week. And would someone please tell me why the Mormon organization is tax exempt?

Hank “The Wall Street Airhead” Paulson got up and spoke two days ago (can’t ANYONE stop that man? Chickens, henhouses, foxes and all that) and the stock market sank (again) like the Titanic, two hours later. The next day the DOW came back some, then it was announced that even Wal-Mart was bracing for bad sales, that Best Buy had forecasted a cataclysmic sales fall off, and that the Republicans would probably block any attempt to “bail out” the Big Three in Detroit. The market dropped back another 400 points by noon on Friday, 11/14. It will be a long weekend, which will be made worse by W hosting the economic summit of the G-20. Here is a group of the world’s most unfit and untrained economists, gathered together to debate (politically) and decide (selfishly)about the most important, delicate and precipitous fate of the economic welfare of millions, and who will eat too much, make pompous pronouncements and accomplish mostly nothing. But the meeting will leave a gorgeous carbon footprint.

But first, before that showplace takes place, Paulson should be made to sit down, shut up and then leave the room as soon as possible, taking Bernanke with him( Bernanke is rumored to be about to slice an incredible small piece of interest pie into an even smaller slice. How do you do that? I did not know that interest has a half-life, like uranium). These men are both useless and moronic.

Second, George W. Bush has proven to be absolutely incapable of providing any presidential leadership, especially as a lame duck, either for this country or for the meeting of the G-20. Or 19, or 23 or whatever. Third, the Big Three (Wal-Mart will find its’ own way; it always does) should be left to find or lose themselves in the marketplace they created. The made this bed, let them sleep in it. And although I have resisted the urge to say this until now, the notion being put forth by some of our Congressional idiots, that the government should buy up the US auto industry and put a public overseer in charge, is about as close to being socialist/Communistic/Marxist economics as anything I have ever heard of. Real capitalistic measures would bring in the best business managers and efficiency experts and long range planners and market researchers that might be found, and either make the automotive behemoth ultimately work or kill it quickly… or maybe sell it to someone who knows how to build the right cars for the right market for the right price.Let’s see: you can take two from column A (that would be Toyota and Honda) and two from Column B (that would be BMW and VW) and then wait to see what dinner tastes like. Chrysler is already on life support, GM has been asleep at the switch for 20 years and Ford has finally realized that Henry has actually died. Old and inappropriate stuff dies all the time. It is called survival of the fittest, not prolongation of the useless. Being put into some taxpayer funded suspended animation won’t bring Detroit back to life. We have been holding a mirror up the mouth of the US auto industry for years, looking for the fog of breath, and all we get are SUV’s and carbon dioxide emissions.

And I still think Lindsey Graham is an illiterate buffoon, who has no business holding any public office and even less business being the chief advisor to John McCain. And T. Boone Pickens is the smoothest talker on the planet (did you see him on the Daily Show? Wow.) and after I am finished being all flushed in the face, I realize that there is no way in hell I’d let him date my daughter. Or yours. There is some kind of poker card up his Texas sleeve, and it has something to do with owning huge water rights in the continental US. And the only thing I know for sure about natural gas is that it can blow up in your face.

The RGA just met in (where the hell else?) FL, and chose not to elect Sarah Palin to any leadership position. Maybe they are smarter than I gave them credit for, earlier. The GOP does NOT need a re-birth, a rejuvenation or a re-creation: it needs a total re-invention, in order to join the new century. As long as they:
-continue to sing the praises of Ronald Reagan (the man is DEAD, for chrissakes);
-cower before Kissenger;
-listen to Lindsey Graham;
-dream about Goofy Gingrich (he is not, can not and will not be any Lazarus);
-drool over Mitt Moneybags;
-long for Looney Jindahl;
- stupidly support Ted Stevens;
-support sloppy vote counting in MN;
they will remain so far behind the curve of reality that they will never see political daylight again. Collectively, they seem to have no shame, no wisdom, not much honor (even among thieves) and no integrity (as in “holding things together”). All of this makes them only slightly worse than myopic, doddering older Democrats who still have FDR confused with Jesus.

I have seen the author and NYT columnist Thomas Friedman on television three times in the last 72 hours. And he has been quoted all over the web and in the Mostly Silly Media repeatedly, since then. I am angry that I have still not even finished reading his first book, The World is Flat, and now he already has another in the bookstores, Hot,Flat and Crowded. I am not angry, however, that despite his dismal and depressing observations, his frighteningly accurate estimations of how many cultural upheavals have and will take place, how rapidly the population is outgrowing the planet and its’ resources, and what a bunch of dunderheads and dolts we have all been about dealing with it, he still holds out HOPE that we will harness both technology and common sense and save ourselves, the planet and the future. There. Now I don’t have to read the second book.

Life goes on in Texas.

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