Thursday, December 18, 2008

Public Prayer , Public Outcry

Since I am somewhat of an expert, when it comes to knee jerk reactions, I felt the need to have one of a reciprocal nature,when I read this article by Sarah Posner.

A Bigot, Anti-Choice Pastor Picked for Obama's Inauguration

By Sarah Posner, Posted December 18, 2008.

I have been watching coverage of this morning's press conference with the Pres-elect. Predictably, the press questions and the MSM follow-up punditry have placed the Warren story over and above any other noteworthy announcements about appointments and nominations for high government posts. What dolts we are.

First of all, I am vehement in my beliefs (as are many others here) about the separation of church and state. I don't know why(logically speaking) we need either an invocation or a benediction at a highly secular ceremony. Just performing those at all, by anyone, is cow-towing to the Christian masses who maintain the misguided (and emotional) sense of religion that pervades America. This was never supposed to be a "Christian nation" in the first place, and we have managed to contort that vision horrifically.

Be that as it may (too little, too late, too bad), Obama said that he had previously been asked to speak at Warren's church, despite his beliefs that are quite contrary to Warrens', and he was, in the spirit of "bringing America together", offering Warren a similiar oportunity. Personally, I think Warren has all the exposure anyone should have and do not relish him getting any more free PR.

However, I applaud Obama for exhibiting tolerance and showing some degree of deference to the religious right in sharing the platform in this manner. The really good news is that about an hour after it is all over, we will have forgotten what Warren said, anyway, and we can move on. As strongly as I object to injecting prayer into this event in any fashion, I really don't see that it is worth getting our liberal and progressive panties in a bunch over. Jesus Christ! (pardon the expression) The economy is in the tank and Bush is almost gone! Pray about those!

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