Monday, April 7, 2008

Slow day

I was a little surprised to see how bland and dull the news was this morning. There is not much going on unless you realize that most of the world is finally getting on board with boycotting the Olympics. It looks like this morning the French tried to blow out the torch. I know everyone has different feelings about this, but why the IOC ever decided to have the games in China is beyond me. The place is dirty, corrupt, economically off-balance, greedy, growing too fast...wait a minute...that's sounds like most places...never mind.

But mostly, and especially with the Tibetan furor in full swing, why would a country like that want to draw so much attention to itself? It is as if they holding up and waving a large (red) flag that says, "Hey! Look at us! We really love to oppress people! Please come see us and spend your money but don't talk about all the crap you see going on. And we'll hold your cameras until you leave!"

Of course they already have most of our money and real estate, anyway, so perhaps it doesn't make much difference.

But I am uplifted by one essay I found. Truthdig published a piece this morning by Chris Hedges, called, On Secular Fundamentalism.

To fully appreciate the real significance of this, you MUST READ the comments. This one got everybody going. Right, left, WRight, Wrong, happy to hear it, infuriated, and gleeful and really pissed off. This is wonderful. Good writers don't write to get people to agree with them: they write to get people to start talking and chew on the issues. Mr. Hedges did a great job of that, read it yourself and decide. The truth is, I suppose I fundamentally dislike fundamentalists of any ilk, religious or secular, so I can't really fault the author on any point he makes. This essay isn't worth a street brawl, or bloody noses, but some heated discussion would be nice.

Speaking of bloody noses, there's always the Democrats to talk about. But let's don't. While they waste time, McCain is making hay. Condi for VP? Oh, please. I wonder who HER pastor is?

Barack says that the WAR in Iraq is costing the average American family $100.00/mo. Others say that is conservative. I say it's obscene. Just look at it this way, that $100.00 won't even keep gas in the car for a month. And let's see....we went over there to protect the oil supply, right?

Remember the 4,000 from last week? Most have forgotten, already. And two more killed in the Green Zone, over the weekend? Look out, here come the Petraeus Chronicles. It's a good thing, that,

Life goes on in Texas.

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