Saturday, April 5, 2008

Why I'm not happy

I was right, yesterday: today's paper had the headline, "80,000 jobs lost". And that is just the report from March. That's alot, even for America. I feel less bad today than I did, yesterday.

Then: "Clintons make 109 million in eight years"...from talking. And most of it came from companies who have largely funded H's campaign. And she wants me to trust her with my money, my integrity and the future of my country? Fat chance, snowball in hell, and all that.

Or: "Bush pledges more troops for Afghanistan to NATO". Next year. Who in the hell is he speaking for? Not me?

How about: "Pentagon renews Blackwater contract for another five years.". Oh joy. That means McCain will only have to renew it for another 95 when he takes office. The fox not only guards the henhouse, he built it, patrols it, charges too much rent and sells dead chickens out the back door. Being under an FBI investigation doesn't seem to stop the military brass from giving them big bucks. My (your) tax dollars at work.

Ah, yes: "Both Hillary and Obama are lying about what they will do about forces in Iraq, after elected", or something like that. Seems like we're gonna stay there, no matter what. Calling the Bagdahd embassy the "Green Zone", by the way, is just another way of referring to the obscene amounts of money we have and will continue to pour into it. Excuse me....why?

And then there are the blog discussions of the silence of Rumsfeld,, about the new revelations concerning the DOJ memos and waterboarding. But we don't do that anymore, or so I've heard.

I'd go to Tibet and meditate, but I'd probably get shot or beaten bloody with an Olympic Baton. Which was probably made in China, I suppose.

But it's OK. I just ANOTHER email, asking for donations, from a ANOTHER group in Oregon that wants to pursue impeachment against The Shrub, The Dick and I don't know how many others. Another noble cause that will flounder and fail because nobody really cares. How much did you pay for gas, today?

It's such a nice day. I should be outside instead of reading all this crap.

Life goes on in Texas.

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