Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Shouda stayed in Bed

Lipstick, pigs and pit bulls, race cards and sexism. Bridges to Nowhere (and the moose she rode in on), sex ed in kindergarten, wheelchair gaffes, change, Obama's change, McCain's Obama's change, loose change, no change. "Country First", "USA,USA!". Pathetic plastic patriotism. Useless emotional orgasms. Palin rumors and pregnant teens, lies and rumors of lies. Then more lies, dead wolves shot from airlanes and even more moose jokes. Questions of age and mental stability, abuses of power, maligning of community organizers and leaking swift boats. Lobbyists feigning to demean lobbyists, Rovian manuevering and Obama gone centrist and bland. McCain piles one preposterous myth on top of another and everyone swallows it or publishes it, hookers, one-liners and stinkers. Someone said today that "Obama is in the faculty lounge", thinking about it. Maybe sad, maybe true.

America is daft. America only wants to know about Brittany's underwear. America can't pay attention (does EVERYONE have ADD?). American can't stay on topic. America thinks this whole election is an TV reality show. If it isn't sensational, it won't make the news and no one will talk about it. The biggest irony is that John Edwards finally proved he had some balls and we promptly forgot about him. Life is hard and then we all will die, dead from over-tittilation and lack of substance. America is asleep (except for Kucinich). The Russians are coming. But America is happy as a pig in @#^*. So is Joe Lieberman.

McCain will win, the Repubs will have another hooker and a beer, and the Democrats will act surprised. Palin will become VEEP and gut the environment, announcing it in tongues. Nothing will change we will still have two wars (maybe three), a sinking economy, no health care, higher unemployment and the gap between the rich and poor wil get bigger by the day. We will continue to socialize more programs like Fannie and Freddie, making it harder for the poor and middle to use them. We will go on privatizing everything else and helping the rich own more and control more. The media will approve all of it. Murdoch will buy more media. No one will object.

And everyone will wake up next March and be shocked.

Have you actually listened to Sarah Palin? She sounds like your shrill, abusive mother, your crazy old aunt or your whiny, troublesome sister-in-law. She prays to God. I pray FOR God: he has to listen to her.

Oh. Sorry. I forgot about that oil thing. But that is OK: we have T. Boone Pickens.

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