Wednesday, September 10, 2008

This has taken all day

First of all, "Shoulda Stood In Bed" got published on OEN today. The rest of what is here is stuff you might have missed. I was, of course, compelled to comment. As the say, take a deep breath.....

Article at
We are not stupid, we are manipulated.

I had something to say here. I sort of agree. I hate it when that happens. Your turn.

This is really good. And I got my two cents in here, as well:
Article at
Sarah Palin Pisses Me Off

Catchy title and one among many on the same subject.

This is some good news:

She has her own show (right after Olbermann, weeknights, MSNBC-TV) now and is off to running start. Kicking everybody's ass. Whoopee!

This is fun, too ( I got this third hand):

This is the awful truth, told straight from Minnesota. The only thing he doesn't call her on is calling Eskimoes "Arctic Arabs".

Then we have this:

I can't think of a better place for the General to unload a batch of carefully worded bullshit than on Fox. Earlier this week, he said, "I did the best I could". I think that means, "We screwed up".

Article at
McCain/Palin Campaign Relies on Lazy Thinking and Prejudice to Win

Dave Lindorff is a remarkable guy and I don't always agree with him. But this piece says it all, well. "Lazy thinking" is a big problem. As I said, the only thing worse than lazy thinking is people who think they think. Pass me over that there six-pack and gimme two quarts of earl.

The news today has been all about a remark Obama made yesterday, about the "changes" McCain claims he will make in Washington, if elected. Obama used an old phrase, one used earlier by McCain himself, in the primaries: "You can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig". The McCain camp went nuts! Just a few days ago Sarah Palin had been mouthing off about pit bulls and lipstick and the GOP decided this Obama remark was a terrible implied insult to Palin (actually a few days ago, lots of peole thought HER remarks were insulting to pit bulls). Anyway...

The debate has been raging since early morning on MSNBC and is still on now (4:45). By now, everyone knows that this phrase is common , especially among hog farmers and even more especially in the south. What everyone has carefully avoided is mentioning what you get when you combine the elements of lip-"stick" and "pig", which is "pigsticking". If you didn't grow up on a farm with pigs, or don't know many hog farmers, you won't know what that is, and, trust me, you don't want to. But suffice it to say, that it's time for someone to get Obama a good, sharp knife and let him get down to business.

And did you know that, by an official count, Sarah Palin has lied about earmarks and the Bridge to Nowhere 27 times since the nomination? She may not be counting, but everyone else is.

Hurricane Ike is coming. All hell has not frozen over but is coming this way and we're doin' the best we can.

Life goes on in Texas.

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