Monday, October 20, 2008

Will Somebody Turn That Damn Thing Off?

I think I am like many other people, right now: I just want this damned election to be over with. McCain has called Obama a ninny black muslim terrorist nigger as many times as he can, and Obama has alerted us to the fact that McCain is a barnacled old fart who can't think, walk or talk well, anymore. McCain is not my friend and Obama has too much money. They have both lied again and again about the other and they have both promised to do lots of crap that neither will be able to consummate without the agreement and cooperation of a contentious, bigoted and money grubbing congress which is full of arrogant, bigoted, falsely zealous money grubbing, lying assholes. . Biden is a distinguished and sage, but just a DVR, who constantly replays "Rock of Ages", and Palin is, well, fucking useless.

So let's cut the crap and vote now, knowing it will all not make much of any difference because the United States of Greed and Insanity is so screwed up that all is mostly lost anyway. Get Bush the hell out of office before he shits on anything else, and move onward and downward. Geezus H Christ in a basket of camel turds, I'm tired of this.

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