Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Must be Tuesday

http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/25916299/ READ THIS

I know: Here he goes again! However:

What I think is that it is completely ridiculous that the MSM has decided to plaster the indictment of the this aging AK senator all over the front page of everything they can find (I know: he probably is as guilty as sin) while

-Almost nobody reported on the eventually-non-impeachment debacle that took place on Capitol Hill last week. That was a first rate fiasco because nobody in Congress has any balls;

-After ghastly revelations about DOJ improprieties and another Monica whats-her-name and Gonzales malfeasance, no one in the WH press corps has asked Dana Perino one question about it in two days of press conferences;

-No one has seen fit to mention that the total number of US personnel killed in our two wars has now surpassed 4300 people;

-I have read three separate stories about female US military personnel who have been raped, tortured and killed by either our own servicemen or independent contractors;

-I have seen only ONE story about the fact that Blackwater has recieved millions of dollars in SBA loans to finance their mercenary work.

Anyone who is unwilling to admit that things are really screwed up should re-evaluate their outlook on life.

Life Goes On in Texas.

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