Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Theatre of the absurd

I swear, I don't know whether to laugh or cry. Every day that I think that things cannot become any more absurd, outlandish, ridiculous or inconceivable, but then I read something like this.‘said-he-wasnt-aware-of-what-was-going-on’-in-his-agency/"DOJ IG: Gonzales ‘said he wasn’t aware of what was going on’ in his agency."

My guess is that you will never, ever hear this story, per se, from the likes of Katie Couric, or NBC or CNN (and surely NEVER from Fox Noise), but here it is. How do you admit to yourself, to your fellows and to the observing world, that your US AG didn't know at all what was going on and and still doesn't get it? And this guy is still walking around on the streets of America?

I am simply flabbergasted.

Life goes on in Texas.

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